15 Heartfelt Native American Prayers for the Dead

Native American cultures have a profound respect for the deceased, believing that the spirit world plays an integral role in everyday life.

The afterlife is a significant aspect of their spiritual beliefs, with various tribes honoring their ancestors through diverse ceremonies and offerings. This article explores the rich heritage of Native American prayers for the dead, highlighting the unique traditions of different tribes.

We will jump into 15 heartfelt prayers used by specific tribes, showcasing the reverence and love that defines their spiritual practices.

15 Heartfelt Native American Prayers for the Dead

We have curated a list of 15 powerful Native American prayers for the deceased: Let’s have a look at them:

1. Cherokee Prayer for the Deceased

Oh Great Spirit, we send our loved one to you with open hearts. May they find peace and comfort in your presence, embraced by the warmth of their ancestors. Guide their spirit on the journey to the afterlife, and let them be free from all earthly pain and suffering. Grant them the serenity to rest in your eternal light. Bless those of us who remain with the strength to honor their memory and live in harmony with your teachings. Amen.

2. Lakota Prayer of Transition

Great Spirit, receive our beloved into your arms with love and grace. Let their spirit soar free, joining the stars and the sky in the endless dance of the universe. Comfort us who remain with the knowledge that they are in a place of peace. Help us to honor their memory through our actions and keep their spirit alive in our hearts. Guide us in living a life that reflects the values they cherished. Amen.

3. Iroquois Farewell Prayer

Creator, we return our loved ones to your care with reverence and respect. May their soul travel gently with the guidance of our ancestors, finding a place of rest among the stars. Bless them with your infinite love and let their spirit dwell in peace for eternity. Comfort us in our time of loss and help us to remember the joy they brought into our lives. May their legacy continue to inspire us. Amen.

4. Navajo Prayer for Peace

God, take our loved ones into your heart, where they may find everlasting peace. Let their spirit rest among the ancestors, enveloped in your divine light. Grant us the strength to face this loss with courage and dignity. May we honor their memory by living in harmony with one another and with the earth. Fill our hearts with your presence and guide us through our grief. Amen.

5. Apache Prayer of Remembrance

Great Spirit, welcome our loved one into the land of the ancestors. May they be embraced by those who went before them and find joy in their reunion. Keep their spirit alive in our hearts and minds, and help us to honor their memory with our actions. May we be inspired by their strength and wisdom, and may their spirit guide us always. Amen.

6. Hopi Journey Prayer

God, guide our loved one to the afterlife with care and compassion. Let their spirit be surrounded by love and light as they join their ancestors. Comfort those who mourn their loss and fill our hearts with your presence. Help us to remember their life with gratitude and honor their legacy by living with integrity and kindness. May their journey be swift and peaceful. Amen.

7. Sioux Passage Prayer

Creator, receive our loved one with open arms, welcoming them into your eternal embrace. Let their spirit be at peace among the stars, shining brightly in the heavens. Help us to honor their life and remember their legacy with love and respect. May we be guided by their spirit and find solace in the memories we shared. Grant us the strength to carry on their teachings. Amen.

8. Cheyenne Peaceful Rest Prayer

Great Spirit, take our loved one into your eternal care, where they may find rest and peace. May their journey be filled with light and love, surrounded by their ancestors. Comfort our hearts and grant us the serenity to accept their passing. Help us to keep their memory alive through our actions and to live in a way that honors their spirit. May we find peace in knowing they are with you. Amen.

9. Ojibwe Spirit Prayer

God, embrace our loved one in your divine light, where they may find eternal peace. Let their spirit soar and join the ancestors, free from the burdens of this world. Bless us with peace and understanding as we grieve their loss. Help us to honor their memory by living in harmony with one another and with the earth. May their spirit guide us always and their memory inspire us. Amen.

10. Zuni Prayer of Comfort

Creator, welcome our beloved into your eternal home, where they may rest peacefully with their ancestors. May their spirit find joy and comfort in your presence. Grant us strength and serenity in our time of sorrow, and help us to remember their life with gratitude. May we honor their memory by living with kindness and compassion, and may their spirit continue to guide us. Amen.

11. Shoshone Farewell Blessing

Great Spirit, receive our loved one with your loving embrace, where they may find peace and rest. Let their spirit be welcomed by the ancestors and their journey be swift and safe. Comfort our hearts and guide us with your wisdom as we honor their memory. May we be inspired by their strength and courage, and may their spirit continue to shine brightly in our lives. Amen.

12. Pawnee Transition Prayer

God, guide our loved one to the afterlife with your gentle hand. Let their spirit be welcomed by the ancestors and find peace in your eternal care. Help us to honor their memory with love and respect, and to live in a way that reflects their values. May their spirit continue to guide us and inspire us to be better. Grant us the strength to carry on their legacy. Amen.

13. Comanche Journey Blessing

Creator, take our beloved into your care, where they may find peace and happiness in the afterlife. May their spirit be surrounded by love and light, and their journey be swift and safe. Comfort those of us who remain in your presence, and help us to honor their memory with dignity. May we be guided by their spirit and find solace in knowing they are with you. Amen.

14. Blackfoot Passage Prayer

Great Spirit, receive our loved one into your loving arms, where they may find eternal peace. Let their spirit be at rest among the ancestors, free from the burdens of this world. Grant us strength and solace in our grief, and help us to remember their life with gratitude. May their spirit continue to guide us and inspire us to live with integrity. Amen.

15. Seminole Peaceful Journey Prayer

God, embrace our loved one in your eternal light, where they may find peace and comfort. Let their spirit soar free and join their ancestors in the afterlife. Bless us with peace and understanding as we remember them, and help us to honor their memory with our actions. May their spirit continue to shine brightly in our lives and guide us always. Amen.


Native American prayers for the dead reflect a deep respect for the spiritual journey of the deceased. These prayers, drawn from various tribes, offer comfort and guidance, honoring the connection between the living and the ancestors.

By understanding and appreciating these traditions, we can pay tribute to the rich spiritual heritage of Native American cultures.


  • Zenith Ryder

    Hi, I'm Zenith! With a background in theology and counseling, I bring a lot of knowledge and compassion to BetterPrayers.com. My journey into spirituality began in college when I studied different religions and found comfort in prayer. For over a decade, I've worked as a spiritual counselor, helping people navigate life's challenges with faith and reflection. I believe prayer can bring about profound personal change, and I'm dedicated to helping others find peace and purpose through it. When I'm not writing for BetterPrayers.com, I love reading ancient spiritual texts, hiking, and volunteering at local shelters.

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