Prayers for the Homeless -

Are you looking for a way to support the homeless through prayer? Here are 30 powerful prayers designed to offer hope, protection, and comfort to those in need.

Each prayer addresses different aspects of homelessness, from finding shelter to receiving God’s grace and strength.

Plus, take our quiz to discover which prayer resonates most with your heart and intentions. Read on to find the prayers that will guide you in your compassionate efforts.

Quiz: Find Best Prayer for the Homeless

30 Short Prayers for the Homeless People

1. Prayer for Shelter

God, please provide shelter for those without a home. Give them a safe place to rest and protection from the elements. Let them find warmth and comfort in your presence. Amen.

2. Prayer for Food

God, bless those who are hungry and struggling to find food. Provide them with nourishment and sustenance. Let them feel your love through the kindness of others. Amen.

3. Prayer for Comfort

God, bring comfort to those who are cold and alone. Wrap them in your love and give them hope. Let them know they are not forgotten. Amen.

4. Prayer for Strength

God, grant strength to the homeless who face daily struggles. Help them find the resilience to keep going. Let your presence be a source of courage. Amen.

5. Prayer for Safety

God, protect the homeless from harm and danger. Keep them safe from violence and abuse. Surround them with your divine protection. Amen.

Prayer for the safety of the homeless

6. Prayer for Health

God, bless the health of those living on the streets. Heal their illnesses and give them strength to carry on. Provide access to medical care and support. Amen.

7. Prayer for Hope

God, fill the hearts of the homeless with hope. Help them see a brighter future and believe in better days ahead. Let your love be a beacon of hope. Amen.

8. Prayer for Community Support

God, inspire communities to support the homeless. Let people reach out with kindness and compassion. Help us all work together to make a difference. Amen.

9. Prayer for Employment

God, open doors for job opportunities for the homeless. Provide them with the means to support themselves. Let them find purpose and dignity in their work. Amen.

10. Prayer for Peace

God, grant peace to those who are anxious and afraid. Calm their minds and hearts. Let them find rest in your comforting presence. Amen.

11. Prayer for Families

God, bless homeless families and keep them together. Provide for their needs and protect their bonds. Let love and unity prevail despite their struggles. Amen.

Prayer for the families of the homeless

12. Prayer for Faith

God, strengthen the faith of the homeless. Help them trust in your plan and believe in your goodness. Let their faith be a source of comfort and strength. Amen.

13. Prayer for Compassion

God, fill our hearts with compassion for the homeless. Help us see their humanity and respond with kindness. Let our actions reflect your love. Amen.

14. Prayer for Solutions

God, guide leaders and policymakers to create solutions for homelessness. Provide wisdom and insight to address this issue effectively. Let their efforts bring lasting change. Amen.

15. Prayer for Friends

God, bless the homeless with friends who care. Provide them with supportive relationships. Let them find companionship and love in their lives. Amen.

16. Prayer for New Beginnings

God, grant the homeless new beginnings and opportunities. Help them find a fresh start and the chance to rebuild their lives. Let your grace pave the way. Amen.

17. Prayer for Gratitude

God, teach us to be grateful for our blessings. Help us remember the struggles of the homeless and respond with generosity. Let gratitude inspire us to help others. Amen.

Prayer for gratitude of the homeless

18. Prayer for Children

God, protect homeless children and provide for their needs. Give them stability, education, and love. Let them feel your presence in their lives. Amen.

19. Prayer for Healing

God, bring healing to the homeless who are hurting. Mend their physical and emotional wounds. Let your love restore their health and spirit. Amen.

20. Prayer for Wisdom

God, grant wisdom to those helping the homeless. Provide insight and guidance in their efforts. Let their work be effective and compassionate. Amen.

21. Prayer for Compassionate Hearts

God, soften our hearts towards the homeless. Help us see their struggles and respond with empathy. Let our compassion lead to meaningful action. Amen.

22. Prayer for Protection

God, watch over the homeless and keep them safe. Shield them from harm and provide for their needs. Let your presence be their refuge. Amen.

23. Prayer for Resilience

God, give the homeless the resilience to face each day. Strengthen their spirits and give them hope. Let your love be their source of strength. Amen.

24. Prayer for Volunteers

God, bless the volunteers who help the homeless. Give them strength and compassion. Let their efforts make a significant difference. Amen.

25. Prayer for Resources

God, provide the resources needed to help the homeless. Bless organizations and individuals working to make a difference. Let their efforts be fruitful. Amen.

26. Prayer for Guidance

God, guide the homeless on their journey. Provide direction and clarity. Let them find the path to a better future. Amen.

27. Prayer for Unity

God, bring unity to communities helping the homeless. Let them work together in harmony. Let their combined efforts bring positive change. Amen.

28. Prayer for Joy

God, bring moments of joy to the homeless. Let them experience happiness despite their struggles. Fill their hearts with your love. Amen.

Prayer for joy of the homeless

29. Prayer for Strength in Faith

God, strengthen the faith of the homeless. Help them trust in you and your plan. Let their faith be a source of hope and comfort. Amen.

30. Prayer for Love

God, let your love be felt by the homeless. Surround them with your warmth and care. Let your love guide them to better days. Amen.

More Prayers You’ll Love:


These 30 prayers for homeless is carefully curated so that you can read them and feel the difference. Trust God for what you’re prayer. Thank Him every time.

Remember, your prayers will be answered only when you believe in God.


How can prayers help the homeless?

Prayers can provide comfort, hope, and a sense of connection to God. They can inspire kindness and action in those who pray, leading to support for the homeless.

What are practical ways to support the homeless besides praying?

You can volunteer at shelters, donate food and clothing, support homeless organizations, and advocate for policy changes.

Are there specific prayers for homeless children?

Yes, you can pray for their protection, stability, education, and emotional well-being. Prayer number 18 specifically focuses on homeless children.

How can communities come together to help the homeless?

Communities can organize support drives, volunteer together, create awareness campaigns, and work with local authorities to provide resources and solutions.


  • Lila Ryder

    Hi, I'm Lila! My journey into spirituality has been both deep and enlightening. With a degree in Psychology focused on Mindfulness and Wellness, I understand the healing power of prayer and the human spirit. I've led many workshops and retreats to help people reconnect with their spiritual selves. Through my articles, I offer heartfelt guidance and support to our community, often drawing from my own spiritual experiences. Outside of, I enjoy practicing yoga, gardening, and creating art that reflects my spiritual journey.

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